Family Resources

Being a family member for someone with a psychiatric disorder can seem overwhelming, frustrating, even frightening. This list of family resources is an attempt to address some of the confusion that family members often, and naturally, feel.

One of the most important things is to find support from others who have had to deal with similar problems. The National Mental Health Association has a good list of organizations that may be able to connect you with an appropriate local support group or resource.

Information can help too. Unfortunately, mental health professionals are often not that good at explaining psychiatric disorders to family members. An excellent source of free publications about various disorders and their treatments is found on the website for the Expert Consensus Guideline Series.

What to do with self destructive behavior or an affected family member who is in denial about the need for help? We have put some thoughts together about this often asked question.

Although the process of getting help can seem overwhelming, if everyone in the family has a clear sense of what is necessary and possible with treatment that clarity may overcome a great deal of resistance. For this reason a family consultation may be helpful.

Here are a few links that can be helpful.