Gut Microbiome and Depression: What’s the Connection?

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A recent study published in the esteemed scientific journal Nature Communications has uncovered a potential connection between the complex ecosystem of gut bacteria,­ known as the gut microbiome,­ and depression.­ The study was carried out by accomplished researchers at the renowned Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam,­ Netherlands.­ Their findings revealed distinct differences in gut microbiomes between individuals suffering from depression and those who do not experience this mental health condition.­

The study examined the fecal microbiota of 2,­593 participants,­ including 1,­054 individuals with depression and 1,­539 without.­ The findings revealed that people with depression exhibited decreased levels of certain bacteria like Eggerthella,­ Subdoligranulum,­ Coprococcus,­ and Ruminococcaceae.­ Conversely,­ they displayed elevated levels of other bacteria such as Sellimonas,­ Lachnoclostridium,­ Hungatella,­ and Ruminococcusgauvrea

The researchers posit that the variations in the gut microbiome might contribute to depression.­ They propose that the diverse bacteria could potentially generate different neurotransmitters,­ thus impacting mood.­ Additionally,­ they hypothesize that these distinct bacteria may influence the immune system,­ consequently playing a role in depression as well.­

The preliminary findings of the study suggest a potential link between the gut microbiome and depression.­ However,­ further research is necessary to confirm these findings and comprehend the underlying mechanisms.­ These results imply that targeting the gut microbiome could open doors for new approaches in treating depression.­


Radjabzadeh, D., Bosch, J.A., Uitterlinden, A.G. et al. Gut microbiome-wide association study of depressive symptoms. Nat Commun 13, 7128 (2022).