Website Mobile Enhancements

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Website Update

Website Mobile Enhancements

Over the last couple of years the proportion of our website visitors who are viewing the site on mobile devices has skyrocketed. Although the site was designed to be mobile friendly there are part submit that clearly need additional work.

Several behind the scenes changes on this website may make it a little bit easier for you to use. We’ve tweaked the landing page to try to make it easier to view on mobile devices. We have also spent several hours revising the online office pages and forms related to medication issues and refills to make the experience of requesting refills or asking medication questions easier.

We’ve also upgraded the security on this site with an additional layer of monitoring.

Over the next couple of months we’re going to be spending a fair amount of time on this kind of behind the scenes work to make our page easier for you to use and to navigate, particularly on mobile devices.

We would love to get your comments and suggestions. If there’s something that is especially frustrating about part of this website please drop me an email message or post a comment on the website.

My email address is