Health Problems

Health Problems

Peter ForsterGPS Update, Website Update Leave a Comment

We have updated the health problems page with quick links to important information about living well with moods, including information about diet and exercise, information about sleep, insomnia and the most effective treatments for insomnia, and general information about mood and mood disorders.

Hopefully, this new format and the new content, will make the page much more useful for our patients and other readers of the site.

Many people who see us are surprised to learn how common the problems they wrestle with are, they may find themselves feeling that they’re the only people with depression who wrestle with problems with weight gain or exercise.

The problems on this page are experienced by majority of people with depression and bipolar. And these problems not only are common but also contribute to the difficulty in recovering fully from mood disorders.

As with many parts of our website, we are also incorporating links to selected blog articles so that you can keep up-to-date with the latest research and information. We try to keep the content in our blog posts an accurate reflection of the important news relevant to clinicians and patients dealing with mood disorders.

Let us know how we are doing. And what would be most useful to you.

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