Coronavirus CDC

February 2022: COVID-19 or Coronavirus and GPS

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Basic Science, GPS Update, Physical Conditions and Health Leave a Comment

The current projections for COVID-19 coronavirus infections in California look hopeful. We track this using the IHME model. As of mid-February 2022, it appears that infections are likely to be back to the levels seen in the fall of 2021 by mid to late March 2022. Other sources of information mirror this prediction. For example, Covid in sewage tends to …

Mediterranean Diet Anti Aging Effect

Peter ForsterPhysical Conditions and Health, Self Care

The Mediterranean Diet appears to have an anti aging effect in a just published study. The study, in the December 2014 edition of the British Medical Journal, found that the Mediterranean Diet was associated with telomere length, a biological marker of aging. Telomeres are DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes that protect the chromosomes from damage and allow healthy cell …