Insomnia Relief

Peter ForsterBest Practices, Insomnia, Insomnia Treatment

How to find insomnia relief is a question that many people we work with struggle with. A recent editorial in JAMA Psychiatry and the accompanying research article suggests that the online program that we’ve been recommending to our patients for years (SHUTi) is the treatment of choice for insomnia. We have been extremely pleased with the results from this program which can …

Measurement Based Care Improves Outcomes

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Best Practices

Patients at Gateway Psychiatric are sometimes perplexed by the amount of time and energy we devote to tracking how they are doing. It can seem annoying to answer questions repeatedly or to fill out forms. An article in the journal Psychiatric Services summarizes the data that shows that this process (known as “measurement based care” or MBC) is associated with significantly …

Genetic Tests for Depression Updated 2023

Peter ForsterBest Practices, Major Depression, Psychobiology, Testing

Do Genetic Tests Help? Are genetic tests for depression treatment worthwhile? Or is this an expensive technology that is not ready for routine use? Peter Roy-Byrne, writing in NEJM Journal Watch seems to say that they aren’t worth it. Although some clinicians may argue that such testing “can’t hurt and might help,” current psychopharmacological practice is complex, usually including combinations …

Chronic Insomnia Best Treatments

Peter ForsterInsomnia, Insomnia Treatment

  Chronic Insomnia – What are the Best Treatments? The American College of Physicians just published guidelines on the treatment of chronic insomnia. These guidelines were based on a comprehensive review of the literature. They note that chronic insomnia is very common, but the literature on treatment is relatively poor. Many treatments that are used do not have good evidence …